Mad Father Wiki
48px-Name.svg.png Conjecture
Old Man's name is purely conjecture, as no official name has been released. This name will be used until an official name is released.

"Curse that youngster... Doing everything the woman says... And so deceived as to not realize her true nature... That woman's going to create a demon. She's even crazier than the doctor!"

- What the Old Man mumbles to himself if examined

The Old Man is a minor character in Mad Father. There are two distinct old men in the game, but this one has more importance to the game's plot, especially in IF Mode.


The Old Man is an emaciated-looking figure who always seen sitting in a curled up position. He's bald, and appears to be naked.


Prior to Mad Father[]

The Old Man was taken in to be a servant for the Drevis family, and appeared to enjoy his time there. However, he soon discovered that the family enjoyed taking in weak or homeless people and turning them into dolls afterwards. The Old Man, now realizing who he's working for and fearing for his life, planned to escape in secret and manages to flee as far away as he could. However, Monika Drevis had managed to discern that their servant did not approve of what they were doing and learned of his escape plans. Thus she chased him down and killed him.

During the events of Mad Father[]

Following Monika Drevis coming back as a vengeful ghost and placing a curse upon the mansion, the Old Man, among many other test subjects and dolls, come back to life. The Old Man does not assist the others in seeking revenge against the Drevis family, possibly seeing it as a pointless endeavor.

In the 2020 Remake, Aya first encounters him at the Basement 1F Crossroads, where he's sitting behind a walled-off fence. Once she acquires the mini-chainsaw and busts it down, she can interact with him. However, he appears to ignore Aya and rants to himself. He curses Robin for believing Monika's lies, since the woman simply wants her daughter to turn out as crazy as she and her husband are so that she can be a worthy successor to her grandfather's legacy of turning people into dolls.

Beyond giving the vague implication that Monika isn't as nice as she seems to the player, he plays no other role in the story.

During the events of IF Mode[]

The Old Man has a bigger role here. The Old Man resides in the Mansion 1F Bathroom, where he rises from the blood-filled bathtub to speak with Robin. He asks the young boy if he was invited to work at the Drevis Mansion as a servant, then recounts his tale that he was hired to be a servant too, until Monika killed him after he had learned what she and her husband do and attempted to flee in secret. Noting how sharp she is, the Old Man then implies that Monika brainwashed Alfred, as well as Robin, for her own selfish goals. The young blonde boy refuses to think ill of Monika, as he believes the feelings she has for her daughter are genuine, to which the Old Man scoffs at before telling Robin to believe what he likes.

If he's talked to again, the Old Man muses that maybe if he didn't try to flee, they wouldn't have killed him.
