Mad Father Wiki

Rest easy, Aya. I'll be supporting him... Eternally, in the afterlife!

- Monika to Aya at the Other World

Monika Drevis also referred to as simply Aya's Mother in the Japanese version is the late wife of Alfred Drevis and Aya's mother. She serves as the game's main antagonist. She passed away about a year ago before the events of the game and has come back as a vengeful spirit.


Monika is a beautiful young woman with long pale brown hair with bangs on both sides, and blue eyes.

Throughout the game, she is only seen wearing one outfit: a rather regal light blue dress with white fabric to accentuate her chest.

As a ghost, there is some blood covering her chest from her stab wound, yet barely any blood anywhere else.

As a young girl, she's shown wearing a white poofy dress, along with a large pink bow that looks similar to the one her future daughter Aya, would wear tied in the back of her hair.


Monika is initially portrayed as a kind and forgiving woman who tends to overlook the mistakes of others, often trying to see the good in everyone. Following her death, she became a vengeful spirit hellbent on getting her revenge, even reviving the victims of her husband to do so.

In truth though, Monika is not as innocent as she appears. She can be quite manipulative and can easily read people's hearts. During her youth, she often sends letters to various killers, asking them to tell her about the various murders they committed. She was also quite fascinated by her grandpa's research into turning people into dolls, and couldn't understand why her aunt was against it, as she thought that what her family was doing would allow people to leave more of a mark on the world.

In spite of this, her love for her family seems to be genuine. Monika's diary reveals that she adored her grandparents and didn't want to disappoint either of them despite both of them wishing different things for her. While Monika was alive, she frequently doted on her daughter Aya. She even tried to prevent Aya from learning the truth of her death, only relenting when her daughter chose to save Alfred instead of letting her take her husband away with her to the afterlife. On the flipside, Monika had no problem trying to groom Aya into becoming a cruel individual so that she could carry on the legacy of Monika's grandfathers, though Monika did allow her to grow up rather freely.

Monika is also quite in love with her husband Alfred and was deeply hurt when she discovered he was cheating on her with the family maid, Maria, though she never confronted the two about it. However, once she learned that Alfred planned on turning Aya into a doll in order to preserve her innocence, she threatened to leave with Aya in tow, which resulted in Alfred killing her. In spite of that, she admits to Aya that she still loves Alfred and couldn't bring herself to kill him.

Monika also appears to have been a good cook, occasionally cooking Aya's favorite: hamburger steak (in the original/2.02 version) or sirloin steak (in the 2020 remake.) Monika is also implied to have an interest in charms. A book Aya can find called the Charm Encyclopedia talks about casting good luck on someone by kissing them on the forehead and saying a blessing, which she is shown doing to both Aya and Robin in certain parts of the game's story. Said book also has another chapter (only seen in Blood Mode) about birthing a boy, which implies that Monika hoped to have a son instead.


Prior to Mad Father[]

Monika was born into the Drevis family, a group who ran a cult who sought to create eternal beauty, sacrificing many weak and poor people in their mad quest. Monika's grandfather was the current leader of the cult, and his research would slowly lead into the discovery of turning people into dolls.

When she presumably became ten, Monika began sending letters to hundreds of killers every day, asking them to tell her more about the murders they committed. She shows a deep fascination with the mentally disturbed and violent, perhaps due to her upbringing within the cult. One puzzle in the game implies she witnessed many rituals of young people being sacrificed for the sake of discovering eternal beauty.

Monika's Aunt, however, disapproved of her family's research and was quite ashamed of it. This eventually led to her committing suicide, though it's also possible the cult made it look like one in order to prevent her from ratting them out to others. Regardless, Monika couldn't understand why her aunt did so, as she believed that what her family was doing gave people a chance to leave more of an impact on the world.

Sometime later, as Monika's grandfather lay on his deathbed, he entrusted everything to her, from the mansion to the fruits of his research. The young girl was very excited to be given forbidden knowledge and was eager to continue his work. Before she could begin, her grandmother told her to not take his last request so seriously, telling her granddaughter that real eternal beauty was leaving descendants to live for the future. Not wanting to disappoint either of them, Monika decided to compromise her grandparents' separate wishes by having a child and letting them continue her grandfather's legacy.

At some unknown point in time, Monika would come face to face with Alfred, who initially attempted to kill her, but decided to spare her for unknown reasons. Feeling thrilled by her brush with death, Monika fell in love with his violent and psychotic side. She would begin to send him many letters, each one confessing her love while inviting him over to visit her in her mansion. The last note she would send even included a map to her place. Alfred eventually visits her, after which the two would later marry and give birth to their only daughter: Aya Drevis.

While raising her daughter, Monika began to realize Aya was a lot like her father. which she wholeheartedly embraced. She began to encourage her to harm animals, and even read her rather dark and morbid stories to further push her down the same path as her father, as well as to make her a worthy successor for her grandfather's research. When she learned that her husband did not want Aya to become just like him, she began trying to influence Aya in subtle ways so he wouldn't catch on to her real goal.

At some point - either when Aya was very young, or before she was born - Monika and Alfred hire an old man to serve as their servant. He appeared to enjoy his job, up until he learned that the family takes in weak and homeless people and turns them into dolls. Realizing who he's working for and fearing for his life, the Old Man planned to escape in secret and manages to flee as far away as he could. However, Monika had managed to discern that their servant did not approve of what they were doing and learned of his escape plans. Thus, she chased him down and killed him.

Three years before the start of the game, Maria enters the Drevis Family's life as the family maid. Monika initially pitied and cared for Maria[1], but after learning her husband is cheating on her with the maid, she begins to avoid Maria whenever she can.

Monika would start to have coughing fits at some point, though how and when it began is never stated. Aya tended to worry about her mother whenever she began to have them, but Monika always assured her it was nothing to be concerned about.

A year before the events of the game kick off, Monika discovers her husband wants to turn Aya into a doll. Being very much against this - since it goes against everything she was working towards - Monika confronts Alfred and threatens to leave with Aya, only to end up getting stabbed in the chest for her efforts. On Alfred's orders, Maria would then reluctantly lie to Aya and tell her that Monika passed away from her illness.

At some point between that and the events of the game, Monika - as a ghost - would revive a young boy named Robin, who was also killed by Alfred. She instructs him to, on the anniversary of her death, find her daughter Aya and flee the mansion with her. She then kisses his forehead and says, may you be smiled upon.

During the events of Mad Father[]

On the anniversary of her death, Monika returns to the mansion as a vengeful ghost. She plans on dragging Alfred away with her to the afterlife, and to achieve this, places a curse on the mansion that brings all of Alfred's victims back to life. Monika then arrives while her husband is having a chat with Maria in the Basement 1F Laboratory, where she presumably battles Maria before knocking her aside, allowing her to grab Alfred.

In the 2020 remake, Monika makes a blink-and-you'll-miss it appearance in the 2F Bedroom. Once Aya obtains the Archive Key and begins to head towards the exit, her face briefly appears in the mirror.

Monika makes her proper appearance in the Incubation Room, where Aya witnesses her dragging Alfred away. Though Aya cries out to her, Monika chooses to ignore her and heads deeper into the mansion's basement. Later, when Aya, Maria, and Robin arrive at the Chapel, Monika uses her powers to open the door on the far-right, inviting Maria to try and stop her from taking away Alfred.

At the Other World, Monika manages to defeat Maria before Aya arrives. She initially tries to play off what she's doing by claiming she's trying to put an end to Alfred killing people, but Aya isn't fooled, since she knows her, mother knew Alfred better than anyone. After Aya claimed that she was actually mad that he was hanging out with Maria more, Monika decides to run with that and replies that she wants Alfred to herself. Aya manages to pull Alfred away from Monika briefly, during which she has to decide whether to save her father or respect her mother's wish.

In the True Ending, Aya decides to save her father, and uses some Magic Water - that she obtained from a man named Ogre - to try and calm her mother's spirit. Monika begged Aya not to do so to no avail, after which she began to vanish while her daughter, husband, and Maria returned to the mansion. Since Aya was still oblivious to her father's true intentions, Monika uses the last of her strength to reveal to Aya via a vision that Alfred intends to turn her into a doll. She also reveals that he was responsible for killing her. Before the vision ends, she admits to her daughter that she still loves Alfred, and that's why she didn't kill him. She then tells Aya to flee from him as fast as she can before her fully spirit departs.

Monika is then seen for one last time as Aya fearfully backs away from her father, during which she accidentally discovers Monika's corpse hiding inside of a pod.

During the events of IF mode[]

Monika makes a brief appearance in the Reception Room, where she congratulates Robin on protecting Aya. She then asks Robin to say goodbye to Aya for her, as she feels she no longer has the right to face her. Robin is about to ask her why she chose to rescue him specifically, but she disappears before he gets the chance.

During the events of Blood Mode[]

While Monika possibly doesn't make a physical appearance, a few illusions of her appear throughout the recreation of the infamous night that changed Aya's life.

An illusion of Monika makes her first appearance at the Basement 2F Chapel, along with an illusion of Robin. Monika's ghost informs Robin to protect Aya for her, as he's the only one she can count on. She then gives Robin's forehead a kiss before saying may you be smiled upon.

A second illusion of Monika, along with Robin, make another appearance at the Basement 3F Right Private Room, this time from an earlier event. After Alfred took out Robin's eye, Monika arrives as a ghost and notes that Robin can't cross over to the afterlife just yet, so she revives him.

A third illusion of Monika - or perhaps the real deal - is then encountered within the Other World. When her now-mature daughter approaches her, she slowly vanishes, leaving behind some Magic Water for Aya.

The fourth and final illusion of Monika - or, again, the real thing - is then seen for a very brief moment in the Basement 2F Secret Passage, where she quickly ducks behind a wall as Aya attempts to flee from her father's lingering will.

Monika's Charm Encyclopedia[]

A book that is most likely owned by Monika can be found in the Backyard Shed.

Good Luck Charms[]

You want the ones you love to be happy. For this, a good luck charm does the trick.

All you need is one thing. And this you must have it is love.

Kiss someone's forehead with love and say a blessing. Then a spell of good luck will be cast upon them. Isn't that wonderful?

Boy-Birthing Charm[]

Note: This chapter can only be read in Blood Mode.

Girls are cute, but sometimes you just want a healthy boy. For this, use the Boy-Birthing Charm.

The charm is very simple. First, make your bed covers a faded blue color. Then just pray every night before bed. This alone increases the chance of birthing a boy. Isn't that wonderful?

Monika's Diary & Letters[]

During Blood Mode, the much older Aya happens to come across two of her mother's diaries, as well as two letters Monika has written. To read them, click here.


Alfred Drevis[]

Alfred is Monika's husband. In the past, he attempted to kill her but decided against it for unknown reasons. It was during this that she fell madly in love with him, with her feelings for him being quite genuine. Although she was hurt by him cheating on her with the Maria, she never once confronted them about it. However, when she found out he was intending to turn Aya into a doll, she threatened to leave with Aya in tow, which resulted in Alfred killing her. In spite of that, she admits she still loves him, and can't bring herself to kill him.

Alfred, for his part, seems to be mostly indifferent towards her. He had no problem cheating on her with Maria and didn't hesitate to stab her when she threatened to leave with Aya upon learning of his plan to turn her into a doll.

Aya Drevis[]

Aya is Monika's daughter. Monika often dotes on her daughter, and in return Aya adores her. At some point in Aya's childhood, Monika discovered that she was displaying some of her father's tendencies and was greatly pleased by this. She wanted to see Aya mature and become as cruel as her father in order to continue her family's legacy, in contrast to her husband wanting Aya to grow up to become kind and normal.


Monika and Maria have a rather strained relationship. While Monika initially pitied and cared for Maria[1], it became filled with contempt once she learned about the relationship between her and Alfred. In spite of that, Monika never confronts the two about it, and even when she comes back as a vengeful ghost, she doesn't bother seeking retribution against Maria. IF Mode's ending implies that she spared Maria so that she would take care of Aya now that she and Alfred are gone.


Monika revives Robin, and tasks him with finding Aya and escaping the mansion with her. IF Mode reveals Robin views her as a kind woman who truly loves her daughter, though an old man he meets implies she's simply manipulating him for her own ends, due to his own experiences with the family.


  • The name Monika has many meanings depending on the different languages:
    • Adviser (Latin)
    • Unique (Greek)
      • The name Monika is a variation name of Monica.


  • Monika makes a small cameo in the 3.00 version and the Definitive Edition of Misao, which is another game that the creator of Mad Father made. Specifically, a portrait of her is seen in Library's bedroom.
  • It can be inferred that Monika gave Aya the chainsaw when she was a child due to the cutscene when Aya first acquires the chainsaw as Alfred claims he thought he put it somewhere Aya couldn't reach

