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Alfred's Lingering Will's name is purely conjecture, as no official name has been released. This name will be used until an official name is released.

"You've grown, Aya. I missed you."

- Alfred's Lingering Will to Aya

Alfred's Lingering Will is the manifestation of Alfred Drevis's lingering emotions and feelings towards his daughter, and serves as the final antagonist in "Blood Mode." Just like the original, he seeks to turn Aya Drevis into a doll in order to preserve her innocence.


As the manifestation of Alfred's feelings, he bears a massive resemblance to the original, such as having his short messy brown hair; as well as wearing a white lab coat with a black t-shirt underneath, and grey pants. Most notably, the left part of his glasses are cracked, which reveals reveals his brown eye.

When he's first seen, his entire face is completely veiled in an ominous shadow, leaving only his glasses and his left eye visible. However, during his chase with Aya, his face is uncovered.


Alfred's Lingering Will is shown to be quite similar to the original, except that the love Alfred has for his daughter is at the forefront here. He wishes to continue Alfred's desire of turning Aya into a doll in order to preserve his daughter's innocence and beauty.

However, after getting doused by the Magic Water, his personality and goals appear to do a 180, as he decides to respect Aya's wish to continue to live, even wishing her to live a happy life before her soul returns to her body while he and his dimension vanish.


Prior to Blood Mode[]

Following after the events of Normal Mode - as well as IF Mode - Alfred's lingering emotions and feelings for his daughter Aya were so strong, that they manifest itself as its own being. It resides within a separate dimension that acts as a recreation of of the infamous night that changed Aya's life forever.

During the events of Blood Mode[]

Alfred's Lingering Will resides at the Basement 2F Secret Room, where he awaits Aya's arrival. When she appears, he expresses his surprise by how much she's grown, and tells her he missed her. After Aya tells him that she missed him too, he suddenly pulls out his chainsaw and starts revving it up. Still not wanting to be turned a doll, Aya chooses to flee like she did long ago.

However, upon managing to make it to the chapel, Aya decides to relent and let him turn her into a doll, as she wishes to reunite with her parents. However, upon hearing Maria's voice, she decides against it, as that would mean Maria would be left alone. As Alfred jumps at her, she quickly gets up and hugs him, which takes the spirit by surprise, before she uses the bottle of Magic Water on him.

As Alfred's Lingering Will lay on the floor, Aya tells him that she now understands why he wanted to turn her into a doll. However, she wants to continue to live, due to all that she experienced long ago, saying that she can't forget it no matter how hard she tries, claiming it must be part of the curse of the Drevis family. Aya then tells him that she'll continue to carry the "curse" for his sake as well. As her soul begins to return to her body, Alfred wishes Aya to be happy with her life as he and his dimension begin to vanish.

